Frequently Asked Questions YOU'VE GOT 'EM - WE ANSWER 'EM

General Questions
Your account is maintained in a deposit account held by one of our FDIC-insured banking partners. As a non-bank fintech company, BYS, LLC offers credit products through an online platform provided by FDIC-insured banks. Your funds are protected by FDIC insurance for up to $250,000 through one of our banking partners. For more information, please refer to the account disclosures.
Yes, you may make paper check payments by mailing your payment to:
6320 Brookside Plaza
Suite 524
Kansas City, MO 64113
We apologize that you feel the need to submit a complaint. At, we take pride in offering the highest quality credit boosting platform along with exceptional customer service.
If you wish to file a complaint, you can contact us by email or in writing:
To file a complaint, you can contact us via email or in writing:
6320 Brookside Plaza
Suite 524
Kansas City, MO 64113
Yes. A requirement of the BoostYourScore Credit Boosting Platform is having an active checking or deposit account.
As every user's situation is different, we cannot assure specific outcomes from our program. However, it typically takes an average of three months for many users to witness a change in their credit score.
The key is to be patient and ensure timely payments each month. Consistently making successful, on-time monthly payments is critical to helping you build credit as payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO credit score.
Credit Builder Loan Questions
Your Credit Builder loan payments will usually show up on your credit report about 60 days after your first due date. This is because credit data is collected at the end of each month and sent at least one of the credit bureaus at the beginning of the following month. Although it is ultimately up to the credit bureaus when they post the data, they usually do so within 15 days of receiving the credit information.
We recommend selecting the boost option that aligns with your monthly budget. It's important to keep in mind that payment history is the most significant factor in determining your FICO score, accounting for 35% of it.
Our current options are all for a 12-month term.
At no cost, you can apply for a Boost Your Score Credit Builder Loan at
If your application is approved, one of our bank partners will lend you a small loan, which will be held by the bank until the loan is fully paid off. The loan proceeds will be kept in an FDIC-insured deposit account.
Starting the following month, you will need to repay the loan by making equal installment payments over the 12-month loan term.
Every successful payment you make will be reported as positive credit history, and will contribute to your payment history, which makes up 35% of your FICO credit score.
At the end of the loan term, once the loan is fully paid off, the principal amount of the loan you repaid (minus interest, fees, and any outstanding balance owed) will be unlocked and returned to you.
If you don't want to wait until the end of the loan term to access your savings, you can use your Secured Credit Card to access your funds immediately.
After fully paying off your credit builder loan, the funds you paid into the account (minus interest, fees, and any outstanding balance owed) will be disbursed to you. Please refer to your Loan Agreement for details about the timing of disbursement. It's worth noting that if you've chosen to use the Secured Credit Card, you don't have to wait until the end of your loan term to access your funds. Once you've made four payments on your Credit Builder Loan, you can immediately access your funds through the Secured Credit Card.
The Credit Builder Loan Payout refers to the total amount of money you have paid into the Credit Builder Loan, which includes all successfully made payments minus interest, fees, any outstanding balance owed, and funds transferred to the BoostYourScore Secured Credit Card.
Secured Credit Card Questions
To report your secured credit card as lost or stolen, please call us at 800-259-1270
The funds that you use as a security deposit for your BoostYourScore Secured Credit Card will only be utilized to pay the remaining balance on your card if it closes with any balance due. If there's no balance due, the funds used to secure your card will be released to you upon closure of your BoostYourScore Secured Card. Please refer to the details in your Secured Credit Card Agreement to understand the release of these funds and other relevant information.
- In case you have an outstanding balance when your card is closed, the funds used to secure your BoostYourScore Secured Credit Card will be utilized to pay down the balance owed.
- If you don't have any outstanding balance when the card is closed, the funds will be disbursed to you. To understand the release of these funds and other related details, please refer to your Secured Credit Card Agreement.
To cancel/close your secured credit card, please call us at 800-259-1270.
Please note, once you close your secured credit card, you may not re-open the card in the future.
To lock your secured credit card, please call us at 800-259-1270.
The BoostYourScore Credit Boosting Platform offers two primary products: the Credit Boosting Loan and the Credit Boosting Secured Credit Card.
Upon approval for a account, you're automatically approved for both products. However, before the Secured Credit Card is issued to you, you must successfully make at least four payments on your Credit Boosting Loan.
Have more questions? Don't hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help!
Pick Your Boost Boost Your Credit at Your Pace
Choose your credit boosting commitment level
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back
- Total Payment
- Monthly Cost
Mini Boost
- for 12 months
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back$300
- Total Payment$360
- Monthly Cost$5
- for 12 months
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back$650
- Total Payment$768
- Monthly Cost$9.83
Mega Boost
- for 12 months
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back$850
- Total Payment$984
- Monthly Cost$11.17
Estimated Annual Percentage Rates and Estimated Interest Rates are based on a repayment schedule of 12-monthly payments with 30 days between payments. Changes to the aforementioned repayment schedule will impact actual Annual Percentage Rates and Interest Rates.
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back
- Total Payment
- Monthly Cost
Mini Boost
- for 12 months
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back$300
- Total Payment$360
- Monthly Cost$5
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back
- Total Payment
- Final Monthly Cost
- for 12 months
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back$650
- Total Payment$768
- Final Monthly Cost$9.83
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back
- Total Payment
- Final Monthly Cost
Mega Boost
- for 12 months
- Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
- Access to a Secured Credit Card
- FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
- Get Back$850
- Total Payment$984
- Final Monthly Cost$11.17
Estimated Annual Percentage Rates and Estimated Interest Rates are based on a repayment schedule of 12-monthly payments with 30 days between payments. Changes to the aforementioned repayment schedule will impact actual Annual Percentage Rates and Interest Rates.