Frequently Asked Questions YOU'VE GOT 'EM - WE ANSWER 'EM

Credit Score Gauge

General Questions

Credit Builder Loan Questions

Secured Credit Card Questions

Have more questions? Don't hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help!

Pick Your Boost Boost Your Credit at Your Pace

Choose your credit boosting commitment level


  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back
  • Total Payment
  • Monthly Cost

Mini Boost

$30 /mo
  • for 12 months
  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back$300
  • Total Payment$360
  • Monthly Cost$5


$64 /mo
  • for 12 months
  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back$650
  • Total Payment$768
  • Monthly Cost$9.83



  • Est. APR - 34.82%
  • Est. Interest Rate - 35.56%
  • Loan Amount - $300

  • Est. APR - 31.76%
  • Est. Interest Rate - 32.41%
  • Loan Amount - $650

Estimated Annual Percentage Rates and Estimated Interest Rates are based on a repayment schedule of 12-monthly payments with 30 days between payments.  Changes to the aforementioned repayment schedule will impact actual Annual Percentage Rates and Interest Rates.


  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back
  • Total Payment
  • Monthly Cost

Mini Boost

$30 /mo
  • for 12 months
  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back$300
  • Total Payment$360
  • Monthly Cost$5



  • Est. APR - 34.82%
  • Est. Interest Rate - 35.56%
  • Loan Amount - $300


  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back
  • Total Payment
  • Final Monthly Cost


$64 /mo
  • for 12 months
  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back$650
  • Total Payment$768
  • Final Monthly Cost$9.83



  • Est. APR - 31.76%
  • Est. Interest Rate - 32.41%
  • Loan Amount - $650


  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back
  • Total Payment
  • Final Monthly Cost

Mega Boost

$82 /mo
  • for 12 months
  • Payments Reported as Positive Credit History
  • Access to a Secured Credit Card
  • FREE Monthly FICO Score Update
  • Get Back$850
  • Total Payment$984
  • Final Monthly Cost$11.17



  • Est. APR - 27.76%
  • Est. Interest Rate - 28.31%
  • Loan Amount - $850

Estimated Annual Percentage Rates and Estimated Interest Rates are based on a repayment schedule of 12-monthly payments with 30 days between payments.  Changes to the aforementioned repayment schedule will impact actual Annual Percentage Rates and Interest Rates.