Everything You Need To Know About Credit Scores


Easy Guide to Credit-Builder Loans and How They Actually Help

Getting approval for a loan with a bad credit score is like applying for your first job. Employers don’t want to hire someone with no experience, but you can’t gain work experience if no one hires you. You might encounter the same roadblock when trying to apply for a loan or credit card with a…


Top 10 Credit Score Myths – Busted!

It’s time to put your knowledge to the test: How much do you know about credit scores? This little three-digit number may seem unassuming, but it has a massive impact on your financial wellness. In reality, bad credit causes many economic challenges, hindering your ability to qualify for a home mortgage, get a car loan,…


Here Is How To Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report, Simplified!

Do you know how to dispute credit report errors? Suppose you’ve checked your credit report and noticed false or incorrect items. In that case, it’s your right under federal law to request the removal of those inaccuracies, known as disputing. You should file a dispute immediately after discovering errors on your credit report. Negative items…


Should You Really Attempt to Improve Credit With a Credit Card?

Good credit is essential to getting approval for personal loans, mortgages, and car loans. While taking out a loan with a poor credit score is possible, it will often have a very high interest rate to make up for the potential risk a low credit-score borrower represents. This can add thousands of dollars to the…


How To Get Your Free Credit Report From the Major Credit Bureaus

Your credit card company may allow you to get your credit score free. However, accessing accurate credit reports from all three major credit bureaus is essential to understanding your credit health and preventing credit reporting mistakes from driving down your score. Luckily, the Federal Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act gives you free access to…


How To Easily Establish Credit and Build it the Right Way

Whether you’re young, have a minimal credit history, or just recently came to the United States, you can build your credit score from scratch. Your credit history is not something you can erase at any point, so you want to build credit the right way and establish your credit from the get-go. Learning how to…


Top 5 Credit Monitoring Services and What They Offer

When was the last time you checked your credit score? Those three little numbers greatly impact your life, whether you want to finance a car, borrow money, or even apply for a job. With the help of credit monitoring services, you can easily keep tabs on your credit score and prevent problems like identity theft…


What Are the 9 Fastest Ways to Build Credit and Improve Your Score?

Your credit score affects the quality of credit you can get. Higher credit scores mean better interest rates and loan amounts, and a bad credit score can prevent you from getting credit cards or loans when you need them. Most people only consider their credit score when preparing to apply for a loan or other…


Top 10 Credit Questions and Answers To Build Your Credit

Learning about credit can feel overwhelming if you don’t know how credit bureaus monitor and adjust your scores. Most lenders will not issue personal loans or new credit cards if your credit score is low or you don’t have many lines of credit open. Below, we list 10 of the most common credit questions and…


How Does Credit Utilization Impact My Credit Score?

Several factors impact your credit score. These include which types of credit you use and how much debt you owe. However, your credit utilization ratio is one of the most important factors when calculating your credit score. Understanding the ins and outs of credit utilization rates can be challenging without the right information. In this…